Last night multiple terrorist attacks striked Paris. As for now Isis took credit for the attack and the victims are hundreds.
Now I am reading the reaction on the web and what is the hashtag of the day? #prayforparis.
Yeah... 'pray'.
I am speechless: is everyone going retard or what? Pray? To fucking whom? To God? Which god?
Do these people realize the ridiculously bad choice of verb or is it just me?
Come on, I do understand that religion is just the pretext, the excuse, but you can not call for something 'godly' when the same way of thinking lead to this.
I sometimes delude myself that we, as humanity, are a bit better. But then I see this 'pray for Paris' thing and from the FIRST used word already it all stinks of stupidity.
I am really sad for what happened and the rest of us should just be ashamed for being that naive.
Pray... Prey of your own mental weakness. Pray for yourself.
always deep, thanks