Sometimes, the unexpected is precisely what you spent your whole life waiting for.
Sometimes, it feels unreal to finally get what you've always thought you deserved.
Life is unjust and it won't miss any occasion to remind us about the ugly truth of imbalance.
Then, sometimes, dreams do come true. It doesn't matter how much effort one puts into believing that the miracle can happen: once it actually does, all you can do is stare at nothing in disbelief.
They say you should live the moment (carpe diem!), to enjoy the little things in life and be happy with what you get.
Cool, yeah.
But what's the recipe once you start living That great moment, when the orgasm doesn't seem to end, when the ceaseless enjoyment progressively wipes away your previous view of life?
Are my shoulders strong enough to bear the power of this moment? Is my heart ready to host the uproar of one thousand emotions?
Well, I'd better be eager, take all this treasure and, a grin on my lips, be grateful to this life. And to those who made everything happen.
Do i deserve it? That's not the question.
Can I repay and reciprocate all of this? That's my mission, that's my role.
This is the motherfucking time to fight for what is right.
After what seems like ages, I am finally living the peace I've been longing for.