So today is Black Friday, the day "mothers are so classless they could be a Marxist utopia".
Until Chuck, the series, I had never heard of this shitstorm. Now I know and I'd rather not know.
Anyway, today I was on the verge to restore my faith in humanity and, guess what?, didn't happen.
I could drag on with the whole description on why the restoration failed, but that's not the point.
What's important is something I've already discussed but not here.
We always get pissed when we are struck in the traffic, forgetting that WE are the traffic.
Same reasoning applies to the "faith in humanity" thing.
I don't have faith in others, meaning I don't trust their judgement and I don't share their way of living and thinking.
I'd like things would change and I hope to be the one forcing this change.
But how do I do it?
Preaching like fucking priest!
And does it work? Of course NO!
What am I missing? Well, that most of the time I'm not surrounded by "humanity" as a separate entity, I am humanity. Like the traffic stuff.
Then I always forget that I AM the "others" for the others.
It's a common problem to forget the two-wayness of interactions. For example: Black Friday is people buying, but it's also people selling.
So how the hell could I restore my faith in humanity if I don't act in order to gain the trust of others?
I need to restore other's faith in me firstly and THEN I can sit down and hope to see a better humanity deserving to be considered.
That's all my thoughts for today.
And the answer is "fuck off". See how the restoration failed?